Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kane's first haircut

As much as I want Kane to have long hair, I am so over the mullet.  The top just can't catch up with the back, so today I told Jon I was ready to finally even Kane's hair up.  I still want it to grow out, but hopefully it will be more surfer, less redneck. ;)
 My friend Cassie was so kind to cut Kane's hair.  She also cuts my hair.  I knew that Kane would be more willing to face the scissors if they were held by her, she is so nice and she knows him.
 She made him feel super comfortable and he really did great!  Here is the final back shot.
 Here is his final side shot.
 The final product.  All in all it was a great experience!
Cassie gave Kane a sucker.  He was thrilled and he sucked it without trying to bite it once!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas MeMaw (my mom) came to celebrate, we were so excited!  Her visit was great, I wish we lived closer, it was so fun to see her with Kane and we hate to see her go back to Virginia.  During her visit we went to Ogden to see the Christmas Village, we took Kane to the Treehouse Museum, and we went to see Santa (pictured above).  He loved Santa this year.  I think Kane would have been just fine without a single present.  Earlier in the month we took Kane to Heber Valley to ride the Polar Express and when Santa appeared we had to hold him back until it was his turn.  Santa is currently Kane's favorite celebrity. 

 On Christmas Eve Kane put reindeer food in out front yard so Santa's reindeer could have a little snack for all of their hard work.  Kane needed a bit of bribing, so there is an Oreo in his right hand and the reindeer food in his left.
 Feeding the troops.
Checking to make sure he dumped it all. 
 Kane loved to put the ornaments on the tree.  Surprisingly enough, he really didn't try to destroy it at all.
 Kane was allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve before bed.
 He was a pretty good present opener on Christmas Eve, not sure what happened Christmas day. ;)
 This looks like he was super excited over his pj's, he really wasn't, but I was because they were super cute!
 Kane in his mustache pj's setting out cookies and milk for the big guy.
 We couldn't have Kane set out cookies without giving him one also...
 I guess he was too young to be up all night anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival.
 Kane is all about the cheese these days, the minute he sees a camera he says, "CHEESE!".
 Jon and Kane were hard at work putting all of Kane's new toys together.
 Kane was showing MeMaw how his tractor worked.
 Our little ham.
 Kane has a car obsession, he was very pleased that his cars fit in his tractor.

Kane cheesing with MeMaw.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Kane's New Toy

Uncle Rodger and Aunt Bobbie Jo got Kane a sock monkey in the box and Kane's reaction is just priceless.  He loves it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Big Helper

Kane has definitely decided he wants to help with EVERYTHING these days.  We recently bought him a step stool and I am beginning to wonder if that was a smart decision.  He moves it everywhere in the house, like here...
 and here...
So, I decided that we would move it in front of the sink and combine his love of helping and his love of his step stool.  Kane had a blast washing a pan (and playing in the soap bubbles).
I have gotten pretty good at getting him to actually smile on demand but he was all business during dish time. 
He even dried it.
 Jon and I are so amazed that our sweet baby is growing up so fast, it's bittersweet for sure.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kane Monster's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe that Kane-O is TWO!  It was bittersweet for sure.  We love this age, he is so helpful and curious but I want to freeze time, he is just growing up too fast!  Kane started his day with a sea of balloons and his birthday blueberry pancake in the shape of a 2, sort of.  Jon asked me if it was a "s" or a "z".  He is a comedian...

We had his party at Kangaroo Zoo, which is a building full of bounce houses.  The building itself was ridiculously hot but otherwise it was great!  Kane was in heaven.  I think he could have stayed there forever.  I was very pleased when the party room's decor happened to matched our decorations perfectly.
 Thankfully, we went to a birthday party a few weeks ago and I was informed about a lady who makes awesome cakes. Kane's cake was fabulous.  It was as beautiful as it was delicious!

The party room was packed but the kids didn't really have any interest in staying in it very long anyway, they were way more interested in the bounce houses.
We had some friends travel in for Kane's birthday and the long weekend.  It really touches my heart that we are so fortunate to have so many wonderful friends who love Kane so much.  Thank you to Jessica for taking this picture and for taking all the other pictures, I wish gotten one of you.

 I am so happy we chose to have his party at Kangaroo Zoo.
 He was running around to each house saying, "Mores, mores"
 I put mustaches in our gift didn't really go with the theme but who doesn't love a mustache?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Patches and Halloween Fun!

I LOVE Fall.  So, we used every opportunity to enjoy October to the fullest.  Kane when to a trout farm/ pumpkin patch, Black Island Pumpkin Patch (twice), the Halloween celebration at the Museum and Boonanza, plus 3 private Halloween parties.  When we finally made it to Halloween, Kane had trick or treating down pat. 
 Feeding the fish.
 We may just have a fisherman on our hands.  Kane could have sat there all day throwing 1 pellet at a time to the fish.  He was perfectly content being still.  That almost never happens these days.  He likes to go, go, go!
 A little tunnel time at Black Island Farms.
 I can't get over how big he is getting!  He is so fearless too!  I couldn't get him off of the slide they make from the grain shoot.  Most kids his age were scared, not Kane.
 Kane loves to blow bubbles, here he is trying to blow the dried corn out of his hand like bubbles.

 Choo, choo!  We had to ride this twice.
 Kane was Max from Where the Wild Things Are for Halloween.  This costume could not be any more fitting.  Kane is our little wild child for sure.  We love it, he is so inquisitive of the world around him.
 More Treehouse Museum play.

We're back!

Well, it has been awhile since I posted.  Life has been super busy.  So, rather than go back too far, I will start with October.We headed to Moab in early October.  It was our first camping trip with Kane and I was super hesitant because I didn't know how it would be with us all in a tent.  Kane is a fantastic a dark room, by himself.  We have done tons of travelling, from California to Louisiana to Virginia to Florida, and so many places in between but they have all been indoor sleeping.  Everything worked out fine though, the first night...haha.  He slept in a pack and play his usual 12 hours.  Man can Kane sleep.  The second night was about like having the newborn we never had...the one that wakes up 5 times in one night.  He has slept through the night without any wake ups or feedings since 2 months, so I guess we deserve a sleepless night.  I feel bad for the tired mommas out there.  Anyway, our days were a blast!

We started our first morning with breakfast from a cute local restaurant that just happened to be attached to a book store.  Our little bookworm was in heaven!

 We walked the trail to the Delicate Arch and Kane decided he was going to start his rock climbing career early.  There was a large boulder about every 10 feet and he had to climb like 20 of them.  It was adorable.  He was collecting quite a crowd of onlookers.
 Kane walked most of the 3 miles.  We were amazed!  He loved every minute of it though.
 We made it! We are the tiny specks under the arch.  It was so gorgeous!
 Almost back to the car and he is still truckin'.
Momma, Kane, and our view from the top.