Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kane's "UNO" Birthday Party

 I can't believe our boy is ONE!  We decided to celebrate with an "UNO" themed party.  Luckily, we were having family pictures taken a little before, so I was able to bring the decorations to the shoot.  As you see above, we got some "smash" cake professional pictures thanks to Elaina Cowdell.
We celebrated Kane's birthday multiple days since it fell on Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving day we got Kane some balloons, he loves balloons!  

We also made him a #1's far from Kane because he is super grabby and LOVES pancakes!  I needed a picture before he dug in.  This was also one of the few pictures where he was looking forward because he was mesmerized by the balloons behind was Alex apparently. 

The Jimenez's got Kane a birthday cake for Thanksgiving day...
He enjoyed it!

 The Saturday following Thanksgiving we had Kane's actual party.  He mostly wanted to eat the UNO cards.
Kane's party cake...his fourth first birthday celebration...he has cake eating down to a science.

I had each boy put their hands on the board so I could trace them, with Kane's in the middle, then we used it for pin the UNO cards on Kane's hands.  Daniel won.
 There was a pinata.  Kane loves to bang on things so pinatas are right up his alley.  Gabriel cheered Kane on.

  Daddy and Kane and...
 Daddy being silly showing off Kane's name on the back of his shirt.
The big smiles come from Jon running toward Jesse and Kane...
 and Brooke and Kane...
and Sheryl and Kane.
There was some singing and candle lighting,
more cake eating,
and a bunch of present opening.  Presents and well wishes came from all over, Kane is loved by so many!  We are truly blessed with our wonderful son as well as the rest of our family and friends!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daddy's home!

 The day before we headed back to Utah we met up with our friend from Italy, Kristina and her boys.  It was great seeing her again.  As you can see, her oldest boy Christian,  really loved Kane.  Christian is about 8 months older than Kane.  He climbed up on the couch and patted his legs to tell me he wanted Kane on his lap, it was super cute!
 It's hard to believe how good Kane is getting around now, just a few months ago Kane could only pull himself up using the handles on the sides of the coffee table.  We returned home and he is walking all around it.  He barely uses objects when he is standing but he still holds them just in case.  He will stand on his own with no support for short periods.  We know he can do it, we think he just isn't quite sure.
 The day before Jon got home we went to Dinosaurland in Ogden.  It was FREEZING!  Kane and I walked outside for a short bit but went into the museum part pretty quickly.  He really enjoyed pointing out all the dinosaurs.  The Jimenez family came with us, we really had a great time!
Jon came home this month!  Kane waited patiently to see his daddy, he loved the airport...well, the vending machines at least!  
The Jimenez children held up Jon's sign as I impatiently waited for him to make it to the baggage area.  I pretty much talked to him via phone until I could see him in person.

 Yay!  It is truly wonderful to all be together again.  I actually became really sick the day he returned so Jon jumped back into fatherhood with both feet.  He handled it fantastically!

Next up:  Celebrating Kane's "UNO" Birthday!  We will be having his birthday party on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.  We did a photo shoot already with his birthday decorations and a smash cake.  I wanted to be sure to preserve his special day!